Solar Panels
Solar panels are made from photovoltaic cells that capture the Sun’s energy and translate it into electricity. Each panel can produce between produce between 250 and 400 Watts of electricity and is backed up by manufacturer warranty for 25 years.
On average Golden Time Solar clients can expect to save 80% on their electric bill.

Easy to Install
Improves Your Home Resale Value
Avoid Rising Costs Of Energy
Saves Money On Your Electric Bill
You Can Become Energy Independent
Why Go Solar?
Start today with 0% down and enjoy up to 30% in tax credit rebates!
Instead of having a variable bill that fluctuates all the time, have a steady and fixed predictable cost of energy all year long for 25 + years.
Your solar payment will offset your old utility payment. Only this time it will be fixed and transparent, grandfathering you in for the long haul.
When you open your solar bill every month, it will be the same flat and
predicable bill as last month — no surprises — and you’ll know exactly
what it will be to the penny.
Environmental Impact
“We are like tenant farmers. chopping down the fence around our house for fuel, when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy—sun, wind. and tide.” – Thomas Edison
- Uses less water
- Reduces air pollution
- Reduces your household’s carbon footprint
- Reduce reliance on fossil fuel
- Save trees

Environmental Impact
“We are like tenant farmers. chopping down the fence around our house for fuel, when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy—sun, wind. and tide.” – Thomas Edison
- Uses less water
- Reduces air pollution
- Reduces your household’s carbon footprint
- Reduce reliance on fossil fuel
- Save trees
Home Value
Solar is classified as a home improvement; it is an energy producing asset on the home. There are a few calculations when determining the value of homes with solar:
The system’s actual yearly production.
What the avoided cost of the utility is by having converted to solar energy. In other words, what is the cost of current power rates if there wasn’t solar installed at the property.
What is left to have the system paid off.
What is the relative value of homes that also have solar sold for in the area?
Financing is Available
Ask our associates about financing your solar panel system.

For a comprehensive understanding of our services and answers to your questions, visit the Our Process page or FAQ page and embark on your solar energy journey with confidence.